Monday, October 28, 2024

New York, Trump's people conjure a savior: “Enough with taxes, away with immigrants.”

Jews are against Muslims, but Trump brings them together

Among Trump's people there is everything. At least at this event in New York. There are the folkloric figures of the right, with handlebar mustaches, stars and stripes on their shoulders, and even cowboy hats; There are the old men in checkered flannel shirts. But there are also women and men with a distinctive appearance, as if they are participating in a religious function, entire families with children. And many young people, perhaps the majority: whites, but also blacks, Latinos, groups of Asians, hood-and-ring-wearing Jews, and Muslims.

Trump's ability to communicate embraces, engages and persuades everyone, and is not without contradictions. James Kaplan, a Jewish college student from Brooklyn with his brothers and father. He says angrily: “I will vote for Trump because he will not make concessions to Muslims, and he will deal with us harshly as he did when he prevented many of them from entering our country.” Gives one goosebumps.

A few dozen meters away, Steve Darwish thinks very differently. He is in his early twenties and has Middle Eastern features. His family has been living in the USA, in New Jersey, for three generations, but the ties to Syria and religion remain strong. “Trump – explains – will stop Israel. He said he would and he will. Does it seem impossible to you? Don't worry, he knows how to do it, and he will have the strength and determination to do it. He is, he is our savior.” Trump, the man against rules and order?

Two women of a certain age, white, blonde, and bejeweled, show impatience with people asking questions. Here if you don't have a Trump shirt or a MAGA hat they look at you suspiciously. “It is not difficult to understand that Trump is the United States’ only chance for redemption,” they say. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made a mess, they have destroyed our country. There are no more principles, life has become a gamble, and family no longer exists. It will be up to Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance to get things back on track, and that's why we'll vote for them,” they concluded while displaying a brochure from a right-wing anti-abortion group.

A man about sixty years old, who said his name was John Smith and that he was from Alabama: “Make America wait again“He says with a half-smile, quoting Trump’s slogan about America’s greatness to everyone waiting to get in. Then he offers his own bizarre reason for supporting Trump: “I don’t want to fit into the mold and I will vote for Trump because he is one of us, someone who will sweep away all the rules: he will sweep away all the rules.” “The Fed, the CIA, the powerful powers, we can't do that. Moreover, America – he repeats – is us, not Washington's things.”

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