As in a science fiction movie: This is how Salma Hayek looked with a strange treatment of dark circles

He decided to ditch all traditional skin care methods (Image: IGsalmahayek) The amazing Mexican actress, Salma Hayek shocked all her fans, the audiencer in your personal account Instagram The image…

Hawaii 5-0: Daniel Dae Kim (Chen Ho) reflects his departure and lack of support from the cast

His departure at the end of the Hawaiian season 7 5-0 alongside Grace Park surprised fans of the series. However, as Daniel Dae Kim – Chen’s translator Ho Kelly captured,…

In church service: Prince Phillips awards adorn the altar

Prince Philip (99) plans to serve his funeral to the smallest detail! Less than a week earlier, Prince Consort of Queen Elizabeth II (94) had died in Windsor in the…

Netflix launches the second season of “Luis Miguel: The Series”

Waiting for that Netflix Finally the release of the eight episodes that make up the new season of “Luis Miguel: The Serial”, the broadcast platform gave the official banner for…

“Koh Lanta”: Fatal Mistakes and a Cardboard Strategy for Reunification

Colorful not included! On Friday evening at TF 1, the adventurers of “Koh-Lanta: Secret Weapons” abandoned their red or yellow banner in order to regroup under a white flag in…

I don’t want to give up: Auma Obama continues dancing with Let’s Dance

Friday, April 16, 2021 “I don’t want to give up” Uma Obama continues dancing on “Let’s Dance” Fate has not been easy for Auma Obama in the recent past. In…

From Tunden to Televisa for using the Nath Campos case in “La Rosa de Guadalupe”

On April 13th, Twitter in Mexico recorded a lot of activity after that Viralizara Serial episodeGuadalupe RoseOf Televisa that has many similarities to the sexual assault case revealed by Nath…

Photo of Celine Dion in Mourning: Her moving tribute to singer Michelle Louvain who passed away at the age of 83

Quebec singer Michel Louvain died Wednesday April 14 at the age of 83 from esophageal cancer. The day after this sad news, Celine Dion praised the “gentleman”: “I was saddened…

Unusually Unnatural: Katie Price is proud of her 13-year-old daughter

Thursday 15 April 2021 Unusually abnormal Katie Price is proud of their 13-year-old daughter Katie Price posted a recent photo of her daughter, Princess Tiami, on social media. However, a…

Ravi Pina is asking the court to allow her to travel to DR in order to give birth to her daughter

Urban music producer Ravi Pena asked Federal Court permission to travel to the Dominican Republic for 30 days in order to give birth to his daughter with Nati Natasha. Pina…